Business Studies and IT teacher with 5+ years experience. Resources shared will be mostly IT, focusing on the Cambrisge Nationals Level 1/Level 2 in IT.
Business Studies and IT teacher with 5+ years experience. Resources shared will be mostly IT, focusing on the Cambrisge Nationals Level 1/Level 2 in IT.
1 lesson to support the teaching of Cambridge IGCSE Enterprise [0454] 2024-2025 specification. This lesson also comes with worksheets and teacher notes. THIS IS A CONTINUATION FROM MY “IGCSE Enterprise 3.1 Skills of Enterprising People” RESOURCE!
Topic question:
What are the personal attributes and skill of an entrepreneur?
How entrepreneurs use their enterprise skills
Further guidance
Candidates should be familiar with named entrepreneurs from the local community and wider society. You may find an example in your school.
Candidates should be able to recognise how the entrepreneurs studied use enterprise skills.
Please note
I have not included coursework activities.
1 lesson to support the teaching of Cambridge IGCSE Enterprise [0454] 2024-2025 specification. This lesson also comes with worksheets and teacher notes.
Topic question:
What are the personal attributes and skill of an entrepreneur?
Enterprise skills may include:
• the practical skills and knowledge to create products and services
• leadership
• influencing skills
• team-building
• delegation
• problem-solving
• prioritisation/time management
• self-confidence
• resourcefulness
• innovation
• taking initiative
• taking calculated risks
• taking responsibility
• motivation/determination to succeed
• creativity
• perseverance.
Further guidance
Recognise that some people have these skills naturally and others have to develop them, e.g. self-confidence.
The term ‘skills’ is used here to cover attributes, characteristics and learned skills. Different people combine and use these skills in many ways.
Please note
I have not included coursework activities.